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제 10 호 App Recommendation and Free Study Space for Sangmyung University Students

  • 작성일 2021-05-28
  • 좋아요 Like 5
  • 조회수 15763


App Recommendation and Free Study Space 

for Sangmyung University Students

By Yoo-Jung Kim, Editor-In-Chief /Dong- Wook Kim, Editor


  Due to increase of convergence classes and untact classes many students had the chance to save time to go to school. Instead, they tend to focus on self-improvement activities or part-time jobs. In addition, more students will hold external activities, group study activities and group projects in not only during the semester but also in summer vacation. Thus, this month’s cover story will introduce some application, websites that will help sangmyung students to start external activities, group projects. Furthermore, we will list some spaces that you can hold some group works without any cost.

App Recommendation for Outside Activities and Self-Studies

  There are some applications and websites which informs governmental contests, international activities that only university students can participate in. Here are some applications and websites that students might find interesting. 

1. Campuspick

  Campuspick is an application that is linked to timetable scheduling application called “Everytime”. It is easy to connect to campuspick if you already signed up for everytime application. Campuspick application provides information about international activities, company hosted by companies. Campuspick is a well-known application between the university students that have made campus community wider. Almost half of the students who has been to the everytime application responded that they have tried the campuspick application. It is easy to find students across the country talking freely about their worries, hobbies and interests. This is why campuspick naturally grew up to be a platform to gather teammates to participate contests. Most of the postings on campuspick are club recruitment postings and postings that seek for contestants. Plus, campuspick user can see employment information on campuspick. The user can filter the recruitments by job duties, academic backgrounds and locations so that they can find a suitable job.

Features of Campuspick

  There are variety of features that campuspick provide for university students and one of the things that other application does not support is schedule managements. With automatic schedule managements, the user can be alarmed to the dates of company contests, activities, group study events and recruitment dates that they have scraped. With so called, ‘Job calendar’, the application provides intuitive schedules happening at the moment. Job calendar also makes a recommendation to you about the people preparing for the same company recruitment so can hold study meetings and share information.

Mainsite of Wevity

  Another thing that I want to introduce is a website called ‘Wevity’. Wevity is a website similar to what campuspick do but it focuses on more what campuspick does not provide. For instance, wevity distributes diverse contest by its field like advertisement, planning, marketing and etc... so students with variety of majors can look around. Wevity posts most of the contest held in Korea in the first place if the student is keen to finding recent contest it will definitely help. Plus, most of the activities that wevity post are held by national organizations so students who are interested to be hired in a publicity owned company can check out. However, wevity does not provide a platform to gather student to do project together so the students might suffer to do a group work or they have to do individually.

2. Focus-To-Do

  Focus-To-Do is an application that manage user’s time with pomodoro technique. When the user is doing something productive the application helps user to manage tasks that they must do anywhere and anytime. Millions of users around the world use Focus To-Do to manage and concentrate on their tasks.

Based on the Pomodoro technique, the user can focus on the task until the application alarms the user when the time is over. Pomodoro technique is a time management methodology that was developed in the late 1980s. The developer used a tomato shaped kitchen timer to measure his focus time when studying. The steps of the pomodoro technique are:

Step 1: Get a to-do list and pick a task

Step 2: Set a 25-minute timer

Step 3: Work on your task until the time is up

Step 4: Take a 5-minute break

Step 5: Repeat Step 3 to Step 4 four times and take a 15–30-minute break after

Usage of Pomodoro Technique in Focus To-Do


  With Pomodoro technique on Focus-To-Do application, the user can focus on the task more efficiently. Based on my experience on this application, I have tried pomodoro technique when studying and felt less distracted than not timing. It helped me to finish tasks faster and more accurate because the technique splits the time so that I do not spend my time as water flows.

Features of Focus To-Do

  Focus-To-do does not only provide time management features but also provide task management. The purpose is not for studying but most of the users are satisfied to use it when studying. The users can use it to make plans for studying, set an arrangement alarms for schedules. That way the user can be alarmed when they should do the task and act as the application told them to. After the tasks, the application records every bit of progress and makes report about the activity daily, weekly and monthly. Historical statistics are recorded automatically when the user registers the task and completes it. This helps to distribute time in specific subject when studying by making time traceable.

Variety of Platform that Focus To-Do Support

  Besides, Focus-To-Do synchronize within all devices which means that you can access through application and on your computer to manage tasks. Focus-To-Do currently support on phones, tablets, smart watches and website. The connection keeps the users to keep notes to make sure all the information of the task is not missed at all.

A Free Study Space Recommendation for Outside Activities and Self-Studies

  There is a tough final exam in June, but there is also a summer vacation we can look forward to. During summer vacation, students at Sangmyung University can enjoy leisure time or study and do extra activities to prepare for the future. To study or have a study meeting, we need a study space or a library. Students at Sangmyung University can usually use libraries, CLP, and classrooms in the university. There may be friends who live near Sangmyung University, but there may be friends who live far away. It is questionable whether the above buildings can be used for sure during the vacation due to the Corona situation these days. In this situation, we have to find a study space or study cafe around our house and pay to study. We will recommend a place where students of Sangmyung University can study and have team meetings for free during the upcoming summer vacation.

  The place I will introduce today is Seoul Youth Center. The Seoul Youth Center is located evenly in nine areas of Seoul. It is said to exist in Dongdaemun, Gwangjin, and Eunpyeong, and to be additionally established in theSeocho and Seongbuk areas. 

Maps of Nine Seoul Youth Centers and Two Soon to Open

  There is space and dedicated personnel for young people here. Dedicated personnel and young people can consult and participate in programs for young people. There is also a study space, so you can study comfortably. Even if you visit to study, you can meet young people who have good interests in the space and enjoy hobbies. Now let's find out how we can reserve a study space.

Learning Space Reservation Method

Step 1: Choose the desired regional center among the nine youth centers in Seoul.

Step 2: Join a youth center membership in each region.

Step 3: Check the type and description of the space inside a selected local youth center.

(Each of the 9 centers has a different space shape, so check it carefully and apply.)

Step 4: Check the date, time and minimum number of reservations available.

Step 5: Check if there are any items such as mic, blackboard, etc. that you need in the space.

Step 6: Enter your personal information and make a reservation.

  This space is for young people, so more than 50% of the users can make reservations only if they are young. Of course, the space is created for young people, so the cost of using the space is entirely free. In some cases, certain regional centers receive a certain amount of money, so you should check this in advance. The types of spaces and items vary by regional center, so please check this before you go. These days, due to the Corona situation, only one person is allowed or areas that are too severe are closed, so please be aware of this.

Appearance of Eunpyeong Youth Center

Various Program Reservation Method 

Step 1: Choose the desired regional center among the nine youth centers in Seoul.

Step 2: Look around to see if they have programs you're looking for.

Step 3: Check the typeand, schedule of the desired program.

Step 4: Apply according to the method presented in the text. 

(Each of the 9 centers has a different application method, so check it carefully and apply.)

Step 5: After applying, wait for contact from a representative in the center.

  Each center also has a program for young people. There are a variety of interview programs for employment, art programs for leisure, counseling programs, etc. These days, it is divided into offline and online programs, so I recommend you choose considering the program schedule and format. Most of these programs are free of charge, but sometimes they cost money. For certain regional centers, you do not have to live in that area, but certain regional center programs are only possible if you live in that area, so please check carefully and apply.

  So far, we have talked about various apps and spaces for the summer vacation of Sangmyung University students. Studying is good for us who can't play because of Corona, but how about experiencing various activities? Get various information through the app and make a day to study. Another day, visit the Youth Center and enjoy the fun program you want. Then our summer vacation will be filled with rich experiences and we can dream of a hopeful future.